Graph Drawing and Comb. Geom. Workshop
Data sheet
Video storage
On Radon and Helly-type theorems
Zuzana Patáková
on 11/17/23
Matchstick graphs in the plane and on the sphere
Konrad Swanepoel
on 11/17/23
Coloring ordered graphs with excluded ordered (induced) subgraphs
Bartosz Walczak
on 11/17/23
Grid peeling and the affine curve-shortening flow
Günter Rote
on 11/16/23
The Z2-genus of complete bipartite graphs
Jan Kynčl
on 11/16/23
Combinatorial reconfiguration in plane graphs - a short overview and some open problems
Oswin Aichholzer
on 11/16/23
Everywhere unbalanced configurations
David Conlon
on 11/16/23
Graphs with nontrivial planar almost embeddings
Radoslav Fulek
on 11/16/23
Lattice and non-lattice piercing of axis-parallel rectangles
Adrian Dumitrescu
on 11/16/23
Unit and distinct distances in typical norms
Lisa Sauerman
on 11/15/23
Triangle flip graphs of arrangements of pseudolines and pseudocircles
Stefan Felsner
on 11/15/23
Tverberg type theorems, graphs, and other ways to get on your nerves
Deborah Oliveros
on 11/15/23
Short edges in topological graphs
Andrew Suk
on 11/14/23
Maps, manifolds and metrics: a panorama of combinatorial construction
Karim Adiprasito
on 11/14/23
An extension of ε-nets for hypergraphs with bounded VC-dimension
Shakhar Smorodinsky
on 11/14/23
Extremal hypergraphs in combinatorial geometry
Zoltán Füredi
on 11/14/23
On digons in planar arrangements of pairwise intersecting circles and pseudo-circles
Rom Pinchasi
on 11/14/23
On the structure of extremal point-line arrangements
József Solymosi
on 11/14/23
New Bounds for Zarankiewicz's Problem via ε-t-nets
Chaya Keller
on 11/14/23
Three Edge-disjoint Plane Spanning Paths in a Point Set
Pavel Valtr
on 11/13/23
The real logic of drawing graphs, a decade later
Marcus Schaefer
on 11/13/23
New bounds on piercing numbers and line-piercing numbers in families of convex sets in the plane
Shira Zerbib
on 11/13/23
A density formula for beyond-planar graphs
Torsten Ueckerdt
on 11/13/23