Level Structures on Logarithmic (and Tropical) Curves

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Date: 10/20/23
Speaker :Mattia Talpo

AGDT Seminar



    Abstract: Level structures are extra data that can be added to some moduli problems in order to rigidify the situation. For example, in the case of curves, they yield smooth Galois covers of the moduli space Mg, and the problem of extending this picture to the boundary was studied by several authors, using in particular admissible covers and twisted curves. I will report on some work in progress with M. Ulirsch and D. Zakharov, in which we consider a tropical notion of level structure on a tropical curve. The moduli space of these is expected to be closely related to the boundary complex of the stack of G-admissible covers. As usual, logarithmic geometry stands in the middle and provides a convenient language to bridge the two worlds.


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