Convex and Discrete Geometry Workshop
Data sheet
Video storage
Multitriangulations and rigidity
Francisco Santos Leal
on 9/8/23
Covering theorems vs. packing theorems in two and three-dimensional spaces
András Bezdek
on 9/8/23
On bodies with symmetric sections, floating bodies and related problems
Dmitry Ryabogin
on 9/8/23
Coarse approximation in convex analysis
Grigory Ivanov
on 9/8/23
Pairwise intersecting convex sets and cylinders in R^3
Imre Bárány
on 9/8/23
Fractional affine isoperimetric inequalities
Monika Ludwig
on 9/7/23
The Lovász theta function and MaxCut
Benny Sudakov
on 9/7/23
Polynomial plank problems
Alexandr Polyanskii
on 9/7/23
On optimal totally separable packings
Károly Bezdek
on 9/7/23
Dowker-type theorems for disk-polygons in normed planes
Zsolt Lángi
on 9/7/23
Vertical decomposition of substructures in three and four dimensions and its many applications
Micha Sharir
on 9/6/23
Measuring the mingling of colored points
Herbert Edelsbrunner
on 9/6/23
Singularity of random Bernoulli matrices
Alexander Litvak
on 9/6/23
New types of order types
Gil Kalai
on 9/5/23
Posets and intersection patterns of convex sets
Jacob Fox
on 9/5/23
Counting and enumerating pseudoline arrangements
Günter Rote
on 9/5/23
Recent developments in geometric chi-boundedness
István Tomon
on 9/5/23
Order types meet Ramsey theory
Dömötör Pálvölgyi
on 9/5/23
Extremal affine surface areas
Elisabeth Werner
on 9/4/23
Chromatic number of spacetime
James Davies
on 9/4/23
A new upper bound for the Heilbronn triangle problem
Dmitrii Zakharov
on 9/4/23
Inaugural LFT Lecture (1)
László Lovász
on 9/4/23
Inaugural LFT Lecture (2)
László Lovász
on 9/4/23