Gerbner Dániel, Nagy Zoltán: Unified approach to the generalized Turán problem and supersaturation

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Date: 4/8/21
Speaker :Gerbner, Nagy Dániel, Zoltán


    In this talk we discuss two papers. The first (by D. Gerbner, Z.L. Nagy and M. Vizer) describes a unifying approach to the generalized Turán problem and supersaturation results in graph theory. The supersaturation-extremal function satex(n, F : m, G) is the least number of copies of a subgraph G an n-vertex graph can have, which contains at least m copies of F as a subgraph.
    We present a survey, discuss previously known results and present several new ones.
    The second paper (by D. Gerbner and B. Patkós) studies the generalized Tur\'an function ex(n,H,F) in the case both H and F are complete bipartite graphs
