Analízis szeminárium
Data sheet
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Some characterizations of reversibility of quantum channels
Jencova Anna
on 10/18/23
Weak tiling by polytopes in R^d
Máté Matolcsi
on 10/12/23
Spectral synthesis on locally compact Abelian groups
Székelyhidi László
on 9/28/23
Box and Hausdorff dimension of generic Hölder level sets
Maga Balázs
on 6/7/23
Graph-null sets
Laczkovich Miklós
on 5/31/23
Measures, annuli and dimensions
Buczolich Zoltán
on 5/24/23
Lipschitz images of the Cantor set
Keleti Tamás
on 5/3/23
Some questions on Hardy spaces
Bonami Aline
on 4/26/23
Exact L2 Bernstein-Markov inequality on the ball
Kroó András
on 4/12/23
Description of additive solutions of polynomial equations in terms of derivation
Kiss Gergely
on 4/5/23
Additive solutions of polynomial equations on fields and decompositions of positive real numbers into sets that are closed under addition and multiplication
Kiss Gergely
on 3/29/23
Homeomorphism results and minimax type theorems for sum of translates functions
Nagy Béla
on 3/22/23
The Takagi function and its generalizations
Llorente Jesús
on 3/8/23
Weighted Sobolev Inequalities via Optimal Mass Transport
Balogh Zoltán
on 2/23/23
On some identities for generalized hypergeometric functions and their q-analogue
Kalmykov Sergei
on 12/15/22
On some oscillatory properties of finite difference methods for one-dimensional nonlinear parabolic problems
Horváth Róbert
on 12/1/22
Open up mappings and Riemann surfaces
Nagy Béla
on 11/24/22
Kétváltozós trigonometrikus összegek becslései
Szabó Sándor
on 11/17/22
Hausdorff dimension of Besicovitch sets of Cantor graphs
Héra Kornélia
on 11/10/22
Kakutani's equidistribution problem, and more
Sewell Benedict
on 11/3/22
Singularity of typical homeomorphisms of the d-dimensional cube
Balka Richárd
on 10/27/22
Free functions preserving certain partial orders of operators
Pálfia Miklós
on 10/20/22
The weighted Weierstrass Theorem for continuous functions defined on [0,∞) or on (−∞,∞), proved using Bernstein-Chlodovski operators
Kilgore Theodore
on 10/6/22
Generikus Hölder-szintvonalak fraktálokon
Maga Balázs
on 5/26/22
Biszimmetria és folytonosság
Kiss Gergely
on 5/12/22
Véletlen közepek
Burai Pál
on 5/5/22
C*-algebrák pozitív definit kúpjainak rendezés-izomorfizmusai és alkalmazásaik
Molnár Lajos
on 4/28/22
Teljes MUB rendszerek egy merevségi tulajdonsága
Matolcsi Máté
on 4/22/22
Some estimates of the Lebesgue constants for Lagrange interpolation processes by rational functions
Kalmykov Sergei
on 4/7/22
Equivalences between different forms of the Kakeya conjecture and duality of Hausdorff and packing dimensions for additive complements
Keleti Tamás
on 3/31/22
Operátorfélcsoportok a numerikus analízisben
Csomós Petra
on 3/24/22
Random fractals on the line
Simon Károly
on 3/17/22
Hővezetés félcsoport és egyéb transzlációk
G. Horváth Ágota
on 3/3/22
Optimal transport: classical and quantum
Virosztek Dániel
on 12/9/21
Multifractal analysis of weighted Birkhoff averages
Bárány Balázs
on 12/2/21
Markov chains in stationary and ergodic random environments
Lovas Attila
on 11/26/21
Typical absolute continuity for one-parameter families of dynamically defined measures
Simon Károly
on 11/18/21
Dynamical properties of neural network models
Simon Péter
on 11/11/21
A gentle introduction to quantum mechanics for analysts
Gilyén András
on 11/4/21
Measurable equidecompositions
Máthé András
on 10/28/21
An upper bound on the Hausdorff dimension of the Rauzy gasket
Sewell Benedict
on 10/21/21
Perfect matchings in graphings
Kun Gábor
on 10/14/21
The fractal (Mandelbrot) percolation is unrectifiable
Buczolich Zoltán
on 10/7/21
A superposition theorem of Kolmogorov type for bounded continuous functions
Laczkovich Miklós
on 9/23/21
Jellemzési tételek és egy Hermite-Hadamard típusú egyenlőtlenség Schur-konvex függvények egy családjára vonatkozóan
Szokol Patrícia
on 5/14/21
Jensen-konvex kváziaritmetikai közepekről
Páles Zsolt
on 4/30/21