BBC+G Seminar
Budapest Big Combinatorics + Geometry Seminar
Data sheet
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Erdős-Szekeres Maker-Breaker Games
Tóth Csaba
on 1/10/25
Dániel Simon Saturated Partial Embeddings of Maximal Planar Graphs
Dániel Simon Saturated Partial Embeddings of Maxim Dániel Simon Saturated Partial Embeddings of Maxim
on 11/29/24
Quantitative Fractional Helly theorem
Jung Attila
on 11/15/24
Same average in every direction
Bárány Imre
on 11/8/24
Steiner symmetrization on the sphere
Lángi Zsolt
on 10/4/24
Random gems
Spencer Joel
on 5/17/24
Forbidden acyclic patterns in 0-1 matrices
Tardos Gábor
on 5/3/24
The discrete Pompeiu problem in R^k$ and its consequences
Kiss Gergely
on 4/26/24
A covering problem for Coxeter permutahedra
Károlyi Gyula
on 4/19/24
Honeycomb Conjecture in normed planes and an alpha-convex variant of Dowker's theorem
Lángi Zsolt
on 4/12/24
Lower bounds for incidences
Zakharov Dmitrii
on 4/5/24
Number of digons in arrangements of pairwise intersecting pseudo-circles
Gábor Damásdi
on 3/22/24
Almost optimal packings of equal spheres in dimensions 8 and 24
Böröczky Károly
on 3/8/24
Canonical results in Ramsey theory
Sagdeev Arsenii
on 3/1/24
Crossing numbers of crossing-critical graphs
Tóth Géza
on 2/23/24
Additive structure in convex translates
Solymosi József
on 1/19/24
On cliques in three-dimensional dense point-line arrangements
Ji Zeng
on 12/7/23
On the number of tangencies among 1-intersecting x-monotone curves
Keszegh Balázs
on 11/30/23
Spread approximations and forbidden subconfigurations
Andrey Kupavskii
on 11/2/23
Planarity and dimension
Piotr Micek
on 10/26/23
Contact graphs of totally separable packings
Konrad Swanepoel
on 10/19/23
Higher rank antipodality
Márton Naszódi
on 10/12/23
Which Problem to solve and how to solve it? -- Let the algorithm decide everything!
Adrian Dumitrescu
on 10/5/23
Reconfiguration of Polygonal Subdivisions via Recombination
Csaba Tóth
on 9/28/23
Reuniting chi-boundedness with polynomial chi-boundedness
James Davies
on 9/21/23
Lattice paths with states, and counting geometric objects via production matrices
Günter Rote
on 9/13/23
Asymptotic expansions for generalized random polygons
Ferenc Fodor
on 5/5/23
Geometric constructions via random sampling
Istvan Tomon
on 4/28/23
Colorful vector balancing
Rainie Bozzai
on 4/21/23
Unit and distinct distances in typical norms
Matija Bucic
on 4/14/23
From crossings to areas and back
Alfredo Hubard
on 4/7/23
An improved algorithm to construct spanning paths with low crossing numbers
Csikos Monika
on 3/31/23
On a traveling salesman problem for points in the unit cube
Adrian Dumitrescu
on 3/24/23
Quantitative Steinitz theorems
Naszodi Marton
on 3/17/23
Improved Algebraic Degeneracy Testing
Jean Cardinal
on 3/10/23
Gergely Ambrus: Critical central sections of the cube
Ambrus Gergely
on 3/3/23
Adrian Dumitrescu: Peeling Sequences
Dumitrescu Adrian
on 2/24/23
Gábor Kun: A polynomial removal lemma for posets
Kun Gábor
on 2/17/23
Arsenii Sagdeev: Cutting corners
Sagdeev Arsenii
on 2/10/23
István Lénárt: The Right Triangle as the Simplex in 2D Euclidean Space, Generalized to n Dimensions
Lénárt István
on 12/16/22
António Girão: Monotone Arrays And A Multidimensional Ramsey Theorem
Girão António
on 12/9/22
James Davies: Odd distances in colourings of the plane
Davies James
on 12/2/22
Barnabás Janzer: Rotation inside convex Kakeya sets
Janzer Barnabás
on 11/25/22
József Solymosi: On the structure of pointsets with many collinear triples
Solymosi József
on 11/18/22
András Gyárfás: Two Ramsey problems on vertex-ordered complete graphs inspired by twisted drawings
Gyárfás András
on 11/4/22
Benny Sudakov: Evasive sets, covering by subspaces, and point-hyperplane incidences
Sudakov Benny
on 10/28/22
Grigory Ivanov: Geometric representation of 1 / s -concave functions and duality
Ivanov Grigory
on 10/21/22
Natan Rubin: Two questions on crossings in geometric (hyper-)graphs
Rubin Natan
on 10/14/22
Dömötör Pálvölgyi: C-P3O: Orientation of convex sets and other good covers
Pálvölgyi Dömötör
on 10/7/22
Soumi Nandi: Colorful Helly theorem for piercing boxes with two points
Nandi Soumi
on 9/30/22
Máté Matolcsi and Dániel Varga: The density of planar sets avoiding unit distances
Matolcsi Máté
on 9/23/22
Dmitriy Zakharov: Convex polytopes from fewer points
Zakharov Dmitry
on 9/16/22
Matthew Kendall: Quantitative Helly-type theorems via sparse approximation
Kendall Matthew
on 8/26/22
Károly Bezdek: On the separable Tammes problem
Bezdek Károly
on 5/20/22
Balázs Keszegh: The number of tangencies between two families of curves
Keszegh Balázs
on 5/13/22
István Miklós: Fast transformations of Latin squares, half-regular factorizations and edge colorings of bipartite graphs in small steps
Miklós István
on 5/6/22
Artem Zvavitch: Volume product and Mahler conjecture for convex bodies
Zvavitch Artem
on 4/29/22
Manfred Scheucher: Erdős-Szekeres-type problems in the real projective plane
Scheucher Manfred
on 4/22/22
Xavier Goaoc: No weak epsilon nets for lines and convex sets in space
Goaoc Xavier
on 4/8/22
Vsevolod Voronov: On the chromatic number of 2-dimensional spheres
Voronov Vsevolod
on 4/1/22
Daniel McGinnis: A family of convex sets in the plane satisfying the ( 4 , 3 ) -property can be pierced by nine points.
McGinnis Daniel
on 3/25/22
Márió Szegedy: Budgeted Steiner Networks: Three Terminals with Equal Path Weights
Szegedy Márió
on 3/18/22
Nicolas Bousquet: Fast transformations between colorings
Bousquet Nicolas
on 3/11/22
Imre Bárány: Orientation preserving maps of the n by n grid
Bárány Imre
on 3/4/22
Sophie Spirkl: A counterexample to a conjecture about triangle-free induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number
Spirkl Sophie
on 2/25/22
Márton Naszódi: Löwner's problem for log-concave functions and beyond
Naszódi Márton
on 2/18/22
Alexandr Polyanskii: Polynomial plank covering problem
Polyanskii Alexandr
on 2/11/22
Fejes Tóth Gábor: Emlékezés Heppes Aladárra
Fejes Tóth Gábor
on 12/17/21
David Conlon: Difference sets in higher dimensions
Conlon David
on 12/10/21
Gergely Ambrus: Piercing the chessboard
Ambrus Gergely
on 12/3/21
Oscar Ortega Moreno: The complex plank problem and Fejes Toth's zone conjecture, revisited.
Ortega Moreno Oscar
on 11/26/21
Attila Pór: Universal order type of lines/k-flats in R^d
Pór Attila
on 11/19/21
János Barát: Saturated k-plane graphs and k-planar drawings with special emphasis on k=2
Barát János
on 11/5/21
András Bezdek: On colored variants of some two-player games
Bezdek András
on 10/15/21
Zsolt Lángi: An isoperimetric problem for three-dimensional parallelohedra
Lángi Zsolt
on 10/8/21
Dömötör Pálvölgyi: 666-uniform Unit Disk Hypergraphs are 3-colorable
Pálvölgyi Dömötör
on 9/24/21
Károly Bezdek: More on contact numbers of unit sphere packings
Bezdek Károly
on 5/21/21
Balázs Keszegh: On tangencies among planar curves
Keszegh Balázs
on 5/14/21
Chaya Keller: On multicolor Ramsey numbers and subset-coloring of hypergraphs
Keller Chaya
on 5/7/21
Imre Bárány: Erdős-Szekeres theorems for k-flats
Bárány Imre
on 4/30/21
Endre Csóka: Upper bounds for the necklace folding problems
Csóka Endre
on 4/16/21
Madhu Sudan: (Deterministic) Communication Amid Uncertainty
Sudan Madhu
on 4/2/21
Pablo Soberón: Quantitative Helly theorems
Soberón Pablo
on 3/26/21
Ramon van Handel: Some unusual extremal problems in convexity and combinatorics
van Handel Ramon
on 3/19/21
James Davies: Circle graphs are quadratically chi-bounded
Davies James
on 3/5/21
Wolfgang Mulzer: Long Alternating Paths Exist
Mulzer Wolfgang
on 2/26/21
Barak Weiss: New bounds on the covering density of lattices
Weiss Barak
on 2/19/21
Sergey Avvakumov: A subexponential size R P n
Avvakumov Sergey
on 2/12/21
Natan Rubin: Stronger bounds for weak Epsilon-Nets
Rubin Natan
on 2/5/21
David Wood: Universal Graph Product Structures
Wood David
on 12/4/20
Oscar Ortega Moreno: An optimal plank problem
Ortega Moreno Oscar
on 11/27/20
Jacques Verstraete: Extremal problems for geometric hypergraphs
Verstraete Jacques
on 11/20/20
Andrey Kupavskii: Binary scalar products
Kupavskii Andrey
on 11/13/20
Zsolt Lángi: A solution to some problems of Conway and Guy on monostable polyhedra
Lángi Zsolt
on 11/6/20
Márton Naszódi: Computing the Covering Radius with an Application to the Lonely Runner Conjecture
Naszódi Márton
on 10/30/20
Micha Sharir: Eliminating depth cycles and its relatives
Sharir Micha
on 10/16/20
Péter Ágoston: A lower bound on the number of colours needed to nicely colour a sphere
Ágoston Péter
on 10/9/20
Andreas Holmsen: Extensions of the (p,q) theorem
Holmsen Andreas
on 10/2/20
Gábor Damásdi: Odd wheels are not odd-distance graphs
Damásdi Gábor
on 9/25/20
Claude Tardif: The chromatic number of the product of 15-chromatic graphs can be 14
Tardif Claude
on 9/18/20
Xuding Zhu: Hedetniemi's conjecture and the Poljak-Rödl function
Zhu Xuding
on 9/11/20
Characterizing diameter graphs in R^3 using rigidity theory
Damásdi Gábor